Sofia was educated by tutors and governesses, lived first at Palabino, the Krukovsky country bestate/b, then in St. Petersburg, and joined her family's social circle which included the author Dostoevsky."b....../b Pane Matyasi, kazda diskuse, a kazdy nazor je do iste miry obohacujici, vcera jsme zkousel demagogii jak hrom a narazil sem, priznavam se ze to bylo i proto, ze jsme v ten okamzil nevidel jinou cestu proti osobnim utokum Vasich bkolegu/b diskuteru, na mou osobu. ...
Sofia was educated by tutors and governesses, lived first at Palabino, the Krukovsky country bestate/b, then in St. Petersburg, and joined her family's social circle which included the author Dostoevsky."b....../b a nas tata, pekny nick, verte kdyz jsme sledoval se svymi kolegy primy prenos z inaugurace prezidenta Klause a to jsme, priznam se byl proti jeho zvoleni, byl jsme z sesti mych bkolegu/b jediny kdo pri statni hymne povstal, tahle zeme je domovem mym i mych predku. ...
it is based on the students of bKOLEG/b ABDILLAH, KUCHING. i din know where it is either. i actually had to go google it. wtf wtf i'm so hardworking like... HOW CAN IT BE "UPPER CLASS" IF NO ONE HAS HEARD OF IT? oh and it gets better ... its like saying "I stayed at the CAPITOL bHotel/b where I drank COCA COLA and ate a MCDONALDS BURGER where I saw DOGGY MAN while I was wearing GIORDANO tee shirt". like nothing to show off also wanna show off. ...